Forward Tracker Scintillator Trigger (FTST)
1. Purpose
The FTD upgrade requires the removal of the forward MWPC's which will
destroy the current forward ray trigger. Although this will, to some
degree, be replaced by the new CIP z-vertex trigger, the very forward
region, theta < 12 degrees, will not be covered.
The intention is to add a new trigger system, the FTST, based on
scintillation counters which will cover upto a theta of approx 17.0 +
degrees and:
- will provide an accurate determination of the proton satellite bunch
crossings, increasing the accuracy of the H1 luminosity measurement.
- match the liquid argon calorimeter "big-tower" geometry and, in
coincidence with the calorimeter, improve the triggering on forward
going tracks.
- will provide a cosmic ray trigger for testing/calibration of the FTD.
- could provide a useful monitor for beam tuning.
2. General Layout
The proposed system consists of two separate planes of scintillation
detectors :-
- the FTST-1, situated on the -z side of the FTD.
Segmentation in phi : 8
Segmentation in r : 2
Outer radius : approx. 45 cm
Inner radius : approx. 12 cm
- the FTST-2, situated on the +z side of the FTD
Segmentation in phi : 16
Segmentation in r : 2
Outer radius : approx. 85 cm
Inner radius : approx. 23 cm
- The planes would be rotated by 360/32 degrees relative to each other to
give a 1:3 trigger correspondence.
- Aim for time resolution of the order of 1 nS.
- In addition we would keep the present FIT
3. Outstanding Detector Design Issues
3.1 FTST-1
- space NOT an issue
- could use the present FITS design and SPACAL type PM tubes
- need to check the design viability for 10 mm thick scintillator (which
is available now)
3.2 FTST-2
- space IS an issue
- detector is in region of GO magnet support
- as yet have no detailed design of this region
- need to know design constraints
- do we integrate the within magnet support structure?
- will most likely need small photodetector devices
- several detector designs are under review:
- Scintillator tile + WLS Bar (10 X 10 mm square section attached to
one edge of scintillator) + HPD + P/A
- Scintillator tile + WLS Fibres (with fibres laid along edge of tile)
+ HPD + P/A
- Scintillator tile + WLS Fibres (with fibres laid in machined grooves
on surface of tile's larger face) + HPD + P/A
Clearly Type c. would involve the most expense and require specific
expertise in several areas.
One of these designs could also be used for FTST2.
3.3 R & D
R&D required in the following areas :
- detector optical simulation and design
- detector mechanical/electrical design optimisation
(depends on final physical layout - urgently needs design input)
- scintillator tile prototyping and testing
- electronics (particularly HPD + P/A + Cable chain optimisation)
4. System Specifications
4.1 Scintillator
- Bicron Type BC-412 (Available)
Rise Time 1.0 ns
Decay Time 3.3 ns
Pulse Width,FWHM 4.2 ns
Light Attenuation 210 cm
Wavelength of 434 nm
maximum emission
Density 1.032 g/cc
Ref. Index 1.58
- Bicron Type BC-412 (Available)
Rise Time 1.0 ns
Decay Time 3.3 ns
Pulse Width,FWHM 4.2 ns
Light Attenuation 210 cm
Wavelength of 434 nm
maximum emission
Density 1.032 g/cc
Ref. Index 1.58
4.2 WLS Bar
- Bicron Type BC482A (Available) *
Decay Time 12 ns
Light Attenuation 400 cm
Absorption Peak 420 nm
Wavelength of 444 nm
maximum emission
Density 1.03 g/cc
Ref. Index 1.59
* Note that although faster WLS is obtainable eg. Type BC-480 (5 ns
decay and pulse width) the combination of BC-412 and BC482A is well
suited to the current preamplifier design,which has a time shaping
constant of 30 ns.The overall detector design is a compromise between
several factors, including timing and S/N ratio,at the moment it is not
known which is the best compromise.
4.3 WLS Fibres
4.4 Photodetectors
4.4.1 PM's
- specifications as per SPACAL tubes
4.4.2 HPD's
Hamamatsu Hybrid Photodetector with Si-diode Target:
Spectral Response 160-850 nm
Wavelength of max.response 420 nm
Photcathode Material Multialkali
Photocathode effective area 8 mm dia.
Window Synthetic Silica
Target 7mm Single-element electron
bombarded Si diode
Weight 13.8 g
- Maximum Ratings
Supply Voltage 8000 Vdc
Diode Reverse Voltage 70 V
Ambient Temperature -40 to +50 degrees C
- Characteristics (at 25 degrees C)
Cathode Sensitivity
Luminous(2856K) 100 Min 130 Typ microamp/lm
Radiant at 420 nm 51 Typ mA/W
Gain 1000 (linear with V)
@ photocathode voltage : -6 kV,diode reverse voltage : 30 V
(Gain of the Si-Avalanche diode target type is typically 4 X 10e4
@ photocathode voltage : -8 kV,diode reverse voltage : 145 V)
Time Response 2.4 ns
Leakage Current 3 nA
Capacitance 15 pF
4.5 HPD Pre-amplifiers
- RAL designed low noise charge amplifier (~1000 electrons RMS noise
for 30 pF input C)
- size of pcb 58.0 X 19.0 X 1.6 mm (it is possible that this could be
reduced to approx 30.0 X 19.0 X 1.6 mm)
- HPD and P/A as close as possible (minimise C), remote HPD to P/A means
typically 150 mm.
- careful design of detector/pre-amp/shielding/HV/Bias/LV needed
- investigate use of transformer coupling of P/A to O/P cables?
4.6 Trigger Logic & Readout
- new "integrated" design being investigated (Armin)
- software integration required
4.8 HV System**
- standard CAEN
- software integration required
4.9 Diode Bias System**
- may require custom design
4.10 LV System**
- may require custom design
** Careful design,layout and integration of all voltage supplies needed.
4.11 Cables and Connectors
5. Calibration/Test Pulse System
- light diode test pulse system to be decided
- software integration required
6. Slow Controls
- specification similar to present TOF
- software integration required
7. Hardware Cost
8. Time Schedule
9. Manpower
Effort required for following areas:
- Basic Detector Simulation & Design
- Prototype Production & Testing
- Mechanical Design (detector housings and support systems)
- Electrical Design (P/A,HV,Bias,LV etc)
- Module Production
- Installation
- Commissioning
- Slow Controls Integration (H/W and S/W)
- Trigger and DAQ Integration (H/W and S/W)
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