Some Literature about H1 ToF
H1 notes:
H1-07/93-306: Studies of ToF efficiency during Autumn 1992 run
H1-08/93-307: Studies on ToF FTDC data
H1-08/93-308: ToF efficiency as function of the strobe positions
H1-09/93-313: Analysis of ToF offline monitor plots
H1-10/93-318: Measurement of ToF Average Counter Efficiency
H1-02/94-340: ToF timing correlation for upstream vertex events
H1-03/94-349: A log likelihood method of combining individual ToF counter
FTDC data for trigger independent background rejection
H1-06/94-362: Analysis of FToF TDC data
H1-01/98-533: The H1 ToF system in 1996 and 1997
Note about the upgrade of the ToF and VETO System
Detector paper:
Chapter 2.7
Scintillators in
The tracking, calorimeter and muon detectors of the H1 detector a HERA
Nucl. Instr. and Meth.A. 386, 1997, 348 - 396
PhD and Diploma theses:
Ch. Pichler (1989): (in GERMAN)
Pulshöhe und Zeitauflösung der Szintillatorplatten fuer die inneren
Veto-Wände des HERA H1-Detektors
K. Flamm (1992): (in GERMAN)
Messung von Strahluntergrund bei HERA fuer den Betrieb von H1
J. Heatherington (1995):
ToF - The Time-of-Flight Device for H1
(the available ps file doesn't contain all figures;
a complete version is available from Hella Kleinebenne)
R. Wallny (1996): (in GERMAN)
Untersuchung des Strahlinduzierten Untergrundes bei der Datennahme von
Ereignissen der tief-inelastischen Streuung durch den H1-Detektor bei
Ch. Wissing (1998): (in GERMAN)
Bestimmung der Charakteristika des Flugzeitsystems des H1-Detektors
zur Messung des Strahluntergrundes
Summerstudent reports:
Carole Chauvin (1996):BToF
Andrea Vargas (1998):
Experience with FIT detector in H1
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