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Leaving expert:Heiko Itterbeck phone x4551/ private 8315625
WHEN, WHY and HOW to load the Digital Muon Trigger
WHEN and WHY ?
Normally, also if there are no problems, the Dig. Trigger should
be loaded before lumi comes up !!!
There are only three extraordinary situations in which you should reload
the trigger of the Digital Muon System:
- There was a power glitch
- in the trailer or/and on Cryo Platform or/and on
the North/South Gallery.
From all these locations you then should get a BBL3 alarm like: 3 - The trigger of the Digital Muon System behaves in a way that
the rates of the/one trigger element(s) either go to infinity or zero.
- You want to use a special trigger setup, in this case you should
contact the expert anyway, whose (city)phone number is given in
the head of this manual.
If there was a global power glitch in the trailer and the
Dig.- -STC-Crate was off or affected,
The program which loads the setup files down into the RAMs of the
Digital Muon Trigger Boards is a LabView application.
Normally it is already open and below the windows of the Digital Muon
DAQ control
program (then just choose LabView in the pull down menu in the uppper
right corner).
If not, start it by double click on the icon ``Digi_ _Trigger_Boot'' from the
central screen area of the Digital Muon Sytem's Macintosh in Rack B12 in room
307 (You also can start it from the Apple menu) .
When you see the window titled Digi_ _Trigger_Boot do the following:
- Check if in the application's pull down menu ``Reload everything''
is selected
(If not, move the mouse cursor to the pull down menu, click and
hold, and select ``Reload everything''.)
- Now click the blue ``Start'' button in the lower right corner.
(From the text field ``Action:'' you can supervise WHAT the program does.)
- The ``Progress Indicator'' indicates the progress in units of
loading steps, which take a different amount time( so don't worry, e.g. the
loading of the SectorBoards will take about 7 s per RAM)
- If the loading fails, a ``Message'' field will show up and
propose, what might be wrong. Follow the instructions and try
again, if the reload fails again, call the expert.
- If the text field ``Action:'' shows ``Last Correct Reload'' again,
check if date and time in the ``Last Loaded'' field are actual.
If so, go back to the Digital Muon DAQ program.
In case of any other problems with the Digital Muon
Trigger, call the expert !!!
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Heiko Itterbeck
Sun Mar 16 16:46:14 MET 1997