Backward Proportional Chamber


To be published


    BPC technique:
  1. Outward appearance of BPC, wires orientation.
  2. Cross section of BPC.
  3. Y coordinate layer.
  4. U coordinate layer.
  5. V coordinate layer.
  6. Wire numbering and positioning.
  7. Gas flow through BPC.
  8. HV connections.
  9. Positions of temperature sensors on BPC.
  10. Scheme of connections of temperature sensors.
    BPC electronics:
  1. Position of electronics on one BPC edge.
  2. Position of front-end electronics on BPC body.
  3. Full scheme of electronics set-up.
  4. APC chip.
  5. Full scheme of one registration channel.
  6. Power and digital cables between trailer and front-end electronics.
  7. Scheme of cableing.
  8. CDA boards for read-out electronics.
  1. Correspondence between FADC memory and wire numbers, Set 1.
  2. Correspondence between FADC memory and wire numbers, Set 2.
  3. Correspondence between FADC memory and wire numbers, Set 3.
  4. FADC read-out order.
  5. Corrections in correspondence for lower half of BPC.
    Cosmic test:
  1. Cosmic trigger for test. Signal shape taken from APC pipe-line.
  2. Amplitude spectrum for Y1 layer (upper half).
  3. Amplitude spectrum for Y2 layer (upper half).
  4. Amplitude spectrum for U1 layer (upper half).
  5. Amplitude spectrum for U2 layer (upper half).
  6. Amplitude spectrum for V1 layer (upper half).
  7. Amplitude spectrum for V2 layer (upper half).
  8. Claster width distribution (upper half).
  9. Dependence of efficiecy from HV for Y1 and U1 layers.
  10. Distribution of Y+U+V sum (mm/2.5) for events with one track (upper half).
    Photos :
  1. Hybrid.
  2. Opened electronics box.
  3. Opened electronix box.
  4. Set-up for cosmic test.
  5. BPC on stand before installation in H1 facility.
  6. Installation of BPC on position out of cryostat.
  7. BPC on the final position inside the cryostat.

Experts on Call List:

Cyti mobyle phone: 0175-5837494, short number from DESY: 9-3563
Name E-mail: Office phone: Home phone:
A.Vishnevski 3563 -
S.Vassiliev 3563 -
A.Makankin 3563 -

Shift Instructions

To be published



To be published